About Us
Pet Thrive uses only natural and bio enhanced ingredients for our supplements. Ingredients like tuna oil that is rich in omega-3’s. Astaxanthin that is an antioxidant that will protect cells from damage, will boost the immune system, and can help with blood sugar levels. Slippery elm bark helps digestion and bowel function also great for stomach comfort and protection. Last but not least another unique ingredient we use is psyllium husk powder, this is a dietary fiber and prebiotic that supports healthy intestinal function also promotes cardiovascular health.
Pet food, treats, and vitamins are no longer what they use to be. They are filled with non human grade ingredients, chemicals, and miscellaneous fillers. At pet thrive all our products are made with human grade ingredients, no chemicals or pesticides, and we do not use any fillers. We take supplements that are already proven to work on humans and tweak them for domesticated cats and dogs. Our main goal is to achieve animal wellness by keeping pets comfortable, healthy, and active for as long as possible.